Membership is open to nurses and other health care professionals working or interested in perianaesthesia practice that includes any environment/location where clients are undergoing general, regional or local anaesthesia, or sedation.
Benefits of Membership
ICPAN membership is offered in the following categories:
Benefits of Membership
ICPAN membership is offered in the following categories:
Affiliate MembershipAny healthcare professional currently working in perianaesthesia care, or having an interest in perianaesthesia patient care, may become an affiliate member.
This professional is not represented by an established national perianaesthesia association in his/her country. Affiliate members support ICPAN goals and objectives and pay an annual membership Vertical Divider
organisational membershipAn established national association that promotes perianaesthesia nursing practice, supports the goals/objectives of ICPAN and pays annual membership.
ICPAN Organisational Members include: